Today, I am thrilled to explore the captivating realm of OpenAI, a groundbreaking technology that has achieved remarkable human-like intelligence. I’ve been fascinated by this technology for quite some time and have eagerly dived into experimenting with ChatGPT from the very beginning. OpenAI represents a significant milestone in the field of artificial intelligence, allowing users to interact with it as if they were conversing with a highly intelligent individual. It possesses the ability to comprehend questions and offer clarifications when necessary, making it an invaluable tool for a wide range of applications. However, this realisation may not immediately dawn upon you when you first acquaint yourself with the chat feature.
Work your prompts
However, it’s crucial to recognise that the effectiveness of any AI system is influenced by the questions posed to it. Respectfully, if users encounter difficulties with the system, it is often due to the nature of their inquiries rather than any inherent flaw in the AI itself. Instead of succumbing to frustration or resorting to inappropriate language users can achieve better results by refining their queries and seeking clarification when needed.
The wellspring of knowledge
OpenAI has been designed with an extensive repository of general knowledge, surpassing the average human in this regard. However, it’s important to acknowledge that intelligence and knowledge follow a bell curve distribution. Roughly 50% of people naturally possess intelligence levels below the average, which can impact their interactions with the AI. Does this mean we receive less intelligent answers if we prompt less intelligent inquiries? Well, that’s an intriguing thought!
It can be your ally
Based on my personal experience as an entrepreneur, I’ve concluded that OpenAI creates thrilling possibilities for fruitful collaboration between humans and AI. However, as with any relationship, effective communication is key, and in this case, the language is well-crafted prompts. It is a powerful tool that can assist with a multitude of tasks and enhance our businesses. Here are my tips on how to leverage smart prompts to elevate your business:
Starting at the End: clearly define for yourself what is that you really want to do, either it improving your text or finding a structure for a document you are working on.
Engage an Expert: Imagine you could have a conversation with the best expert in the world on the topic. Prompt OpenAI to act as that expert.
Customise the Approach: How would you like the problem to be solved? Do you have a preferred method? Ask for it.
Emphasise Specificity: Make your prompt as specific as possible. You can even ask chat GPT to generate questions that would help it perform the task before running it.
Provide Feedback to guide corrective actions, making OpenAI redo things until you’re satisfied.
Patience!: It takes time to get exactly what you want – don’t give up easily.
Take Advantage of Plugins: Use plugins and real-time information that OpenAI can access through them.
Prioritise Privacy: Remember to maintain data protection and security. Don’t share anything you wouldn’t make public with any other tool.
But at the end of the day, it is all on you – OpenAI is just a tool to help, make it an ally!